Dental Camp at Nagaga, Mtwara, August 2016

 Dental Camp at Nagaga, Mtwara, August 2016


Four dentists, one medical doctor, and two dental assistants provided care with support from the Masasi District Medical Officer, Dr Jeremiah Khanga, and the in command of the Nagaga Health Centre to provide care to 374 patients over the four-day camp – 187% of the target number for treatment.IMG_20160815_1115129

A total of 612 extractions took place. There was a remarkably high rate of tooth decay in this region. Many patients had been suffering for two years or more as a result of the absence of any dental care at the Nagaga Health Centre during that time, and financial limitations preventing travel to the nearest clinic.

The huge number of patients who attended the camp indicates that the need for dental services is high in Masasi. In addition, meeting patients at the community provides OWOS with an opportunity to understand the magnitude of dental problems that exist so that appropriate medical packages can be prepared as OWOS moves in different marginalized communities in Tanzania.

One World One Smile would like to thank its sponsors the Karimjee Foundation, Equator Enterprises, Precision Air, Twiga Cement, W+H Austria and BD Clinic for providing resources that have enabled the team to travel to Nagaga, Masasi, Mtwara and provide dental care and promote oral hygiene to the residents of Masasi. One World One Smile would also like to thank all the volunteers who put their life on hold to come to Nagaga to make a difference to Masasi. Much gratitude is extended to the doctor in charge of Nagaga health facility, the Masasi District Medical Officer and all those who took time to facilitate and work with OWOS team. Many thanks go to Radio Newala, which kept announcing about the camp even beyond the agreed and paid airtime, exhibiting commitment in executing their corporate social responsibility.



1471358207749One World One Smile gratitude is further extended to Nagaga and surrounding community members for responding positively and coming to receive the services from

OWOS. Their eager response inspired volunteer doctors to give all they had to the people and laboured beyond normal working hours. OWOS could not have done it without the support of everyone who contributed in one way or the other in making this camp a success it was.